To Inject or Not to Inject… That is the question.
Hi friends!
Is anyone else on the life struggle bus these days other than me? Please say yes. Most of the time I want to be alone, but I don’t want to be alone in this situation. There’s just so much to do. All. Of. The. Time. My husband and I just bought a new house. It’s sort of a fixer-upper and we’re doing a bit of it ourselves. And trust me, we are no Chip and Joanna. We’re more like Paris and Nicole. I told him the other day we should be the first episode of NAILED IT: Home Edition.
In my stretch to find time to fit things in, I was really struggling with fatigue and lack of motivation. Come to find out, I have serious low iron levels. I’m getting that under control, but also, I got Hormone Pellets and Vitamin D injections because, for me, a quick shot in the tushy is just so much easier than swallowing a whole bunch of pills. Sabrina at Radiant Wellness (located on the bottom floor of CARTER | MILLER) ran a blood test to make sure I was eligible for the hormone pellets.) She reported back that my Vitamin D was low, so gave me the shot. It’s been two weeks since the hormone pellets and I haven’t noticed a huge difference yet, but there is a time buffer on when they take effect. I’m definitely sleeping better and have a bit more energy in the evenings to work on home stuff, so I’ll take what I can get. I’ll update you on the next round. Last Monday, I had a scheduled yearly physical, which coincided with starting a 5-Day Fasting Detox by Prolon (available through Radiant Wellness.) I wanted to do it to detox from sugar because I admit: I’m Kim and I’m a sugar addict. I didn't do it to lose weight, just a little break for the ole pancreas. When my labs came back from my physical, my PCP, who is one of the BEST HUMANS ON THE WHOLE PLANET, called me and she was like, "Um. Your iron levels are not good. Sending off for more lab work.” So I tried really hard for a couple of days to stay true to the program, but I just wanted to DIE. Like full-fledged, what’s the city bus schedule, because I need to know when to walk in front of it. On Wednesday, I quit the fasting program. I came home and had a hot chocolate and it was the best damn hot chocolate that’s ever been concocted. On Thursday, I went to Whole Foods for some “healthy snacks” and ended up with ownership in a portion of the bakery department. Some may call me a quitter, but I had brown butter chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter bars, that smells like winning to me.
So anyway, as I was saying about injectables. I started getting botox about 5 years ago. I’ll never go back to a time of not having injectables in my forehead. I see nothing wrong with not having to look at wrinkles on my forehead. Like - NOTHING WRONG. I hate that it’s a stigma and people still have to whisper the word “Botox” like they’re using canned chicken in their prized church casserole.
A couple of months ago, I asked Sidney (also @ Radiant Wellness) if we could smooth out my cheeks a smidge because of a bit of weight loss over the years and stupid-getting-older. Side note: I have used Dr. Marshall Meggers (@Grounds & Meggers) for a couple of years now and LOVE what he does for my forehead (and a little crows feet smoothing.)
Sidney injected just a little bit of filler to let me try it out to see what I thought. It’s been two months and I am definitely ready to add more and this time, I’d like her to add a little to lift my cheeks and tear troughs. I like it!
I don’t think it’s highly noticeable, but, for my preference, I will take that instead an over-filled face anyday!
BEFORE the cheek filler session begins!
Sidney puts a lidocaine cream on it, so the area is numb while she’s shooting the filler in, but you can definitely feel it from inside. I have a high-pain threshold, so I wouldn’t say it’s terribly painful, but it is uncomfortable.
AFTER the cheek fillers!
You can see it’s not drastic - just enough to lift and spread the wrinkles a smidge.
Sidney is very talented and knows what she’s doing, so if you’re thinking about trying out injectables, call and schedule a consult with her or another reputable injector. Don’t just go to anyone because they’re “cheaper.” This is definitely one of those moments of you get what you pay for…
Feel free to message us if you have any other personal questions about the experience.
Alicia will add her two cents in on the Injectables because, honestly, it’s her favorite thing!!!
Until next time,
Stay safe and well!